xUSD Backing Treasury

FaithSwap Finance
2 min readApr 5, 2022

Crypto is widely known to be volatile. Assets will have significant upward and downward movements over short time periods. This happens on a daily basis and makes assessing investment risk a priority. For this reason, when $CODE was born, $xUSD was added as backup value. This way creating an intrinsic value to compete against any volatile markets mitigating risk of investor’s funds.

Today we can announce xUSD Backing Treasury on $CODE.
This new backing will continue to use $xUSD CODE_Master.RiDE tax and 25% of FaithSwap fees as a stable income along with a variable income through a dVPN lease.

50%* of the commission of the GreyWolf&Co. validator will go towards backing of CODE.

You can check validator here:

*amount may vary based on market conditions

dVPN (decentralized VPN) is a peer-to-peer network of independent computers operated by ordinary people. These computers serve as gateways into the unrestricted Internet. When you use dVPN you’re connecting from one of the many computers around the globe.

New update will boost $xUSD Backup Treasury via unstable assets. $xUSD and $dVPN will be shown as merge backup value.


An initial balance of 95000 $dVPN has been transferred to A4ADAO. Weekly lease rewards will be added to balance. A simple formula has been made to maintain a proper flow of liquidity towards it. Every day 1% of $dVPN balance will be sold into $xUSD on a DEX and collected by CODE dApp, growing $xUSD value.

CODE has been built as a hedge on the economy of the internet itself. While being more scarce each day, together with $xUSD Backing Treasury, it’s guaranteed to increase in value over time.

Let’s CODE!!..

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